Lessons Learned Through The Commissioning Lens – Commissioning Recruitment 101
Have you experienced challenges recruiting the critical talent to plan, manage and execute the CSU stages of your project? During our lessons learned sessions at the end of each project or while conducting our ongoing business reviews with our industry partners, we receive regular positive feedback on our people. Ensuring the right balance of technical capabilities and personal skills takes a rigorous pre-qualification and ongoing competency assessment processes. Whether you need a small team or a major workforce, we put the right people on the right job.
We don’t put a person on a job unless we’re 100% confident that they can deliver.
At OTS, we not only attract talented and skilled workers, but we attract the right talent for the right position. Recruiting is one of the most crucial functions of the Human Resources department. OTS follows structured processes and procedures that have proven to be the backbone of our recruiting success. In-depth pre-screens, interviews, assessments, reference checks, and technical review form the basis of the process used to engage the right talent.
A robust and ready-for-work pool of candidates allows OTS to fill any last-minute, out of scope, unplanned requirement. Our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is designed to work within our niche market. The system allows our recruiters to save time on information management, allowing them to spend more time finding the right talent and placing top candidates on projects across North America. This approach means OTS is committed to providing the most qualified people to complete the scope of work. The ATS is only a piece of the comprehensive collection of tools and resources OTS has to offer.
Reach out to our team today to learn how the OTS team can supplement and complement the planning, management and boots on the ground execution of your next project.
No matter the size of the job, we’re ready!